Well what a nice way to begin the year, as one of Alan Ilagan’s Dazzler of the Day features.
Alan’s blog (ALANILAGAN.com) is always a joy, thoughtful, bright. Unlike many blogs out there his is soul re-charging , much like enjoying a cup of coffee while sitting in a comfy chair and enjoying a beautiful view.
I did a painting of Alan in 2004, Alan In Blue, and he graciously wrote the forward to my first book in 2007, Summer Moved On.
I’ve ‘known’ Alan for years, and even think of him as a friend, which is odd because we don’t hang out together, have maybe met once in person, and don’t chat. In 2003 (almost 20 years ago!) he first reached out regarding my artwork, which I had only been selling for a couple years. That led me to his writings on his blog. I think we developed a simpatico relationship based on our take aways from each others modes of expressing ourselves, his writing, and me through my art. It’s from this that makes me feel I ‘know’ him and he knows me…much better than people I have had way more direct interactions with.