On The Drawing Board: New works!

It’s great to have a busy holiday season, but it seems like forever since I was at the drawing board.

I also have this ‘dream’ of coming up with a whole bunch of ideas and outlines now to carry me through the whole year. The hope would be that I’d be more proficient and could quickly finish up one work and move right on to the next, without waiting for inspiration or taking time to develop an idea. Knowing how I usually work though, I don’t think I’ll make it happen. In the past when I’ve planned out several pieces at once, I’ve only managed to complete a few of them. Maybe I lose interest, my head is just not in the same place it was when I was creating the concept.

Inspired by '69


When I’m making my annual calendar I often will look for significant anniversaries to add a bit of interest. For 2019’s calendar there were several from 50 years ago that gave me ideas for future works. I’ve started on a couple of them and hope to have them finished and released by the time the anniversaries roll around.

Here are partial images of the outlines I’ve done for 2 of these 1969 inspired paintings.

Can you figure out which events these each represent?