The Pick Up
The Pick Up
Original (Sold)
24 x 18¼ pastel on pastel paper
completed February 14, 2014
released March 7, 2014
Giclée Prints
25 very limited edition Gallery prints
100 limited edition Studio prints
open edition Portfolio prints
additional information about my giclée prints
“Ever since moving back to town John had wanted to hang out with Patrick, alone. They hadn’t seen each other since high school, and even then they hadn’t exactly been best friends. But John had always hoped that was due to a mutual attraction that neither had been bold enough to act upon. Well this weekend John was feeling bold. Stopping by Patrick’s, he asked his old friend if he’d mind helping out with some yard work, and then maybe hang out after and split a cold six pack. John was thrilled when Patrick eagerly accepted with a huge grin and the hint of a devilish sparkle in his eye. ”
Hmmm, the second blue pickup truck I've done this year. I wonder if my subconscious is trying to tell me something?