The Gryphon Master
The Gryphon Master
Original is available for purchase
18½ x 24¼ pastel on pastel paper
Giclée Prints
10 limited edition Gallery prints
50 limited edition Studio prints
open edition Portfolio prints
additional information about my giclée prints
With over 100" of snow so far this season, I had plenty of inspiration for this piece!
Fantasy and science fiction have always been favorite genres of mine. Much of my early works revolved around those themes. And from time to time I've reflected that in some of my contemporary pieces, such as Metamorphosis, Deep Blue, and some of the Hallowe'en paintings. So while I'm sure I will continue to do male romantic and homoerotic work, which I see as another form of fantasy, I'm excited to explore my imagination and do more works in the mythological and fantasy realm.