Devil's Playground
Devil's Playground
Original (Sold)
24¼" x 18½ pastel on pastel paper
Giclée Prints
25 limited edition Gallery prints
100 limited edition Studio prints
17" x 20" black metal frame w/pearl white mat
open edition Portfolio prints
additional information about my giclée prints
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“With a gym, sauna and showers and even being called a ‘bathhouse’ it is more about being ‘dirty’ than getting clean or working out as evidenced by the low disco beat, private cubicles, and flat screen porn. A visit usually begins with sultry stares from men barely in towels, gropes in the nearly dark passageways and moans from beyond doors that are always slightly ajar. And while it is just good ole sexual adventure among consensual men, the seedy atmosphere and behavior outside of societies sexual mores makes him feel like this is the Devil’s playground, and he loves that!”
Gay culture has a long history of venturing beyond traditional sexual mores, be it threesomes, open relationships, orgies, and especially anonymous sex. Not that any of that is exclusively a gay thing. But for so long the hiding and repression of homosexuality created an entire 'cruising culture'. While it's great that closet doors are being flung open and gay men are not only acknowledged but accepted by much of Western society, the mainstream acceptance and media portrayal currently sticks close to the vanilla and wholesome happily married gay couple complete with kids and a picket fence (which I'm not knocking). But to be accepted by straight mainstream society do we have to behave like straight mainstream society? Is that always the deal with the mainstream? We'll accept you if you behave like us? Will the behavior of cruising go away because it is no longer needed or because it is not mainstream appropriate? Anyway...that whole stream of thought inspired this piece.