A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun

from $45.00

Original (NOT FOR SALE)
24 x 18¼ pastel on pastel paper
completed and released February 18, 2009

Giclée Prints
24 limited edition Gallery prints
100 limited edition Studio prints
open edition Portfolio prints
additional information about my giclée prints

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Warmed by golden rays, refreshed by the breeze, lulled by the sound of the waves, unfettered by clothing and technology... from time to time, we all crave peace and simplicity. Whether it is the height of summer or the dead of winter, whenever we need it most we seek out a place in the sun.

For this work I sought to capture the spirit of one of my favorite pastimes, a day at the beach. With just a quick browse through my own photos, I had a picture to work from. This piece is doubly special to me as my boyfriend is the model, which believe me was no easy task. It helped that I finished the piece before he found out about it.