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Trick-or-Treat (original)
Trick-or-Treat (original)
17½" x 23½" (44 cm x 60 cm) pastel on pastel paper.
Prints of this work are also available.
“You’ve donned your best Halloween costume yet and head out into the night, hoping to frighten the town folk into giving you delectable confections. All is well until you ring the bell of the hunky neighbor at 13 Sleepy Hollow Lane. You stumble back as he opens his door, offering you to sample from his candy bowl. At first, you are floored by his stunning costume, that of a half man half goat, then frightened as you wonder if it/he is real. Before you turn to run, you gaze upon his naked animal physique and catch his wicked smile. Whether or not the vision of the Satyr is a trick, it certainly is a treat!”
I completed my first Halloween piece back in 2004. And now, having done one each year since 2006, it is officially a tradition. And speaking of traditions, trick-or-treating has got to be one of the strangest! Dressing up and going door to door for candy... wtf? But instead of showing a creature or goblin knocking at the door, I turned it around and surprised the trick-or-treater with a real creature of the night. I just had to decide what kind of sexy beast it would be. But it was actually quite obvious since this year (2009) Halloween falls on a 'Satyr'-day!