Memento (original)


Memento (original)


23¾" x 18¼"  (60 cm x 46 cm) pastel on pastel paper.
Prints of this work are also available.

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He found them the next morning. They were blue, much like the sea to which his sailor had been bound to return. Had they been left in haste? Or as a deliberate reminder, perhaps even as a promise to return? Whichever it happened to be, their sight, feel and scent meant they would forever be a cherished memento.

I chose a parchment color for the walls to give a sense of the past. The element of blue, while a color that to me means serenity and hope, also bears a sense of melancholy. The blue briefs not only provide balance with the blue in the wall painting, it links them or rather the man who wore them to where he has gone, away on a voyage.